1. Current Trick
    So long as his side has not led or played to the next trick, declarer or either defender may, until he has turned his own card face down on the table, require that all cards just played to the trick be faced.
  2. Own Last Card
    Until his side has led or played to the next trick, declarer or either defender may inspect, but not expose, his own last card played.
  3. Quitted Tricks
    Thereafter, until play ceases, the cards of quitted tricks may not be inspected (except at the Director's specific instruction; for example, if necessary to verify a claim of a revoke).
  4. After the Conclusion of Play
    After play ceases, the played and unplayed cards may be inspected to settle a claim of a revoke, or of the number of tricks won or lost; but no player should handle cards other than his own. If the Director can no longer ascertain the facts after such a claim has been made, and only one side has mixed its cards, the Director shall rule in favor of the other side.