1. Doubles
    1. A player may double only the last preceding bid. That bid must have been made by an opponent; calls other than pass must not have intervened.
    2. In doubling, a player should not state the number of odd tricks or the denomination. The only correct form is the single word "Double".
    3. If a player, in doubling, incorrectly states the bid, or the number of odd tricks or the denomination, he is deemed to have doubled the bid as it was made. (Law 16 Unauthorized Information may apply.)
  2. Redoubles
    1. A player may redouble only the last preceding double. That double must have been made by an opponent; calls other than pass must not have intervened.
    2. In redoubling, a player should not state the number of odd tricks or the denomination. The only correct form is the single word "Redouble".
    3. If a player, in redoubling, incorrectly states the doubled bid, or the number of odd tricks or the denomination, he is deemed to have redoubled the bid as it was made. (Law 16 Unauthorized Information may apply.)
  3. Double or Redouble Superseded
    Any double or redouble is superseded by a subsequent legal bid.
  4. Scoring a Doubled or Redoubled Contract
    If a doubled or redoubled bid is not followed by a subsequent legal bid, scoring values are increased as provided in Law 77.